Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Pork Cutlets with Mustard and Sage

I recently re-discovered pork.  Growing up in Denmark I  ate pork nearly every day in some shape or form.  Go to a traditional Danish Christmas lunch and you will find pork prepared in 100 different ways (some better than others!).  Anyways, I am thrilled to have re-discovered this wonderful meat - ultra-easy to prepare and very tasty, especially when seasoned with sage.  I tell you, sage exists to be sprinkled all over pork!

For these pork cutlets you will need:
pork cutlets (1 per person)
dried sage
French mustard
salt & pepper
olive oil

1. Pre-heat the oven to 175 degrees.

2. Rub a teaspoonful of mustard on to each pork cutlet then sprinkle with sage, salt and pepper.  Fry them for a few minutes on a pan with oil.

3. Transfer the cutlets to a slightly oiled oven-proof tray.  Place them in the pre-heated oven for aprox. 15 - 20 minutes depending on how thick the cutlets are.

These cutlets go well with most sides. Try with a salad or roast potatoes.  Tonight I served them with brown rice, beans, and sautéed mushrooms and red onions.  Feedback was good!

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