Monday, 4 October 2010

Easy Detox Soup for a Monday Night

Here is a recipe for a quick easy-to-make healthy soup, perfect to fix any bad conscience stemming from the weekend's activities.

To feed 4 people:
1 can of tomatos
1 can of haricot beans
1 chicken/vegetable stock cube
1 chopped red onion
2 chopped cloves of garlic
2-4 carrots
a handful of mushrooms (chestnut or champignon)
1 chopped and deseeded sweet pepper
1 chopped and deseeded chilli pepper
0.4 L of water
smoked paprika
1 bay leaf
olive oil
salt & pepper

1. Heat a bit of oil in a big pot.  Add the onion, chilli pepper and garlic; fry till the onions turn light brown.  Add the rest of the vegetables plus 2 teaspoonfuls of smoked paprika.  Fry for a few minutes.

2. Drain the beans and add them to the pot together with the bay leaf.  Stir for a minute.  Add salt and pepper.

3. Now add the water, stock cube and canned tomatos.  Stir well. Bring it to a boil and let it simmer for 20-30 minutes without a lid.

 Serve with bread or simply enjoy on its own!

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